Are your pregnancy symptoms NORMAL?

Pregnant Woman

Are your pregnancy symptoms NORMAL? Pregnancy creates changes in your body. With all the changes going on in your body you may find yourself affected in different ways. So with all these changes going on in your body, do you ever find yourself wondering Are your pregnancy symptoms NORMAL? • “Hmmm…is this normal?” • “Is that normal?” • “Should this be happening to my body?” Well, I get HUNDREDS of emails from women who have questions that they just can’t find the answers to, OR that they’re too embarrassed to ask anyone about. Today I’ve dedicated this newsletter to all… Continue reading

Why Does Walking to Lose Weight After Pregnancy Work?

how to lose weight after pregnancy

Why Does Walking to Lose Weight After Pregnancy Work? Does Walking Help You Lose Weight? – Short answer is YES If you recently had a baby, you have probably heard about the benefits of a simple walk and you may be wondering how walking to lose weight works after pregnancy. Exercise is important after delivery because it enhances your immune function and production of antioxidants in the body. It will also help you to sleep better and feel energetic. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise after pregnancy especially if you reduce those pounds. It does not involve… Continue reading