Are your pregnancy symptoms NORMAL?

Are your pregnancy symptoms NORMAL?

Pregnancy creates changes in your body.

With all the changes going on in your body you may find yourself affected in different ways.
So with all these changes going on in your body, do you ever find yourself wondering Are your pregnancy symptoms NORMAL?

• “Hmmm…is this normal?”
• “Is that normal?”
• “Should this be happening to my body?”

Well, I get HUNDREDS of emails from women who have questions that they just can’t find the answers to, OR that they’re too embarrassed to ask anyone about.
Today I’ve dedicated this newsletter to all of you moms-to-be who have emailed me about your “conditions” wondering if you’re normal!

Here are my TOP 6 Normal Signs of Pregnancy Answers…

1. Yes, it’s common for pregnant woman to have discharge. Wearing a pad and cotton underwear is the best solution. I’ve known some women who’ve had to wear pads all the time. So don’t worry, this condition won’t last long – and YES it will go away after you deliver. If you’re worried about it, ask your health care provider.
2. Yes, it’s common to develop “pregnancy” acne on your face. It should clear up after delivery when your hormones finally calm down. In the meantime, keep your face and all you skin care products, including bushes and applications clean.
3. Yes, it’s common to get cellulite. And yes, it’s normal for it to disappear after you lose your “baby weight”. Make sure you drink lots of water to cleanse your body and flush the toxins out of your body. Exercise plays a huge role in reducing and preventing cellulite, but take your health care professional’s advice before starting any fitness regime.
Click here for a FREE 30-day trial of my Exercise and Eating Program for pregnant and post-pregnant women.

4. Yes, it’s common to have changes in your appetite. Some women (me included!) have a huge appetite, but many others don’t have much of one at all.  I found I had to have a snack at mid morning but once I figured that out I felt much better during the day.  It’s important to nourish both you and your baby, concentrate on eating the best good quality food you can AND definitely try to avoid eating junk! If you have any questions, talk to your health care provider.
5. Yes, it’s common to have groin pain. However, I do think it would be a good idea to check in with your health care provider. In the meantime, avoid exercises that involve jerky movements and/or rapid changes in direction.
6. Yes, it’s common to have nosebleeds and bleeding gums (I had LOTS of nosebleeds!). Don’t worry – both WILL stop after you deliver! For nosebleeds, try using a humidifier at night or putting Vaseline around your nostrils. If you have concerns, talk to your health care provider.
I hope these answers will help you in your pregnancy question dilemma.

To learn MUCH MORE information on Pregnancy Topics like those above and how to Minimize your Weight Gain, Eliminate your Food Cravings and Prepare your Body for a Quick and Easy Delivery, secure a copy of my book Pregnancy Without Pounds(TM). Give it a try, just click here to get your copy today…

And to learn exactly HOW to melt your pounds quickly and easily AFTER delivery in a hurry, make sure to check out my very popular weight loss program. Secure your copy here

See you inside!

Written by Michelle Moss
Pregnancy Fitness Expert

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